Insider tips and trick for your travel questions with travel expert Keith Nowak

How can I get the best deal on a flight? How can I get a discounted rate for a great hotel room?

As summer approaches, Keith talks with Ric about the most popular destinations and hidden gems, the best times to travel and helpful hints to save money and book vacations with ease.

Summer is just around the corner, but it’s not too late to plan an unforgettable summer vacation. Whether it’s a nearby weekend getaway or an exotic tropical escape, travel expert Keith Nowak answers all your travel-related questions about this year’s most popular, trendiest destinations or off-the-beaten-path hidden gems. And for money-saving tips, Keith shares all his insider tricks from the best time to travel, when to book your flight and hotel, and cutting costs with vacation package deals.

As Communications Director for Travelocity, Keith is a frequently sought resource for media outlets looking for the latest travel tips and trends. With a career spanning a number of multinational companies from Finland to Taiwan, Keith has spent more than his fair share of time on the road. His travels have taken him north of the Arctic Circle, south of the equator – and just about anywhere in-between. These years of traveling has allowed Keith to learn a few tips about how to make travel just a bit easier and less costly.
To learn more about summer vacation packages, please visit

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