The series revolves around Buddy Dobbs (Rosenbaum), a slacker on the run from his gambling debt who seizes an opportunity to take on another man’s identity as a gay pastor in a small town. He’s welcomed with open arms by his new assistant Dora (Rue) and other church staff members, but the church president seems to sense that something isn’t quite right. Only time will tell how long Buddy can keep up the facade.
Michael Rosenbaum has established himself as one of Hollywood’s most versatile talents, equally adept at comedy and drama. The Indiana native transformed to play one of the most memorable portrayals of the infamous Lex Luthor in the WB/CW series, Smallville, and his film career has flourished. Films include Sweet November with Charlize Theron, Clint Eastwood’s Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Poolhall Junkies, Kickin’ It Old School, Sorority Boys and countless uses of his assorted dialects for voice-over work, including the voice of The Flash on Cartoon Network’s Justice League.
Sara Rue is best known for her starring role in ABC’s Less Than Perfect, as well as her recurring appearances on Rules of Engagement and the Chuck Lorre shows Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory. She is currently recurring on Lorre’s newest show Mom. She is also active in the independent film world, completing a handful of films in the past few years, including the title role in Dorfman in Love, which won multiple festivals around the country.