—Kirkus Reviews
Winner of 11 awards in its first year including: the 2023 PenCraft Best Book Award for Nonfiction, 2023 Nonprofit Authors Association Silver Award, 2023 Readers’ Favorite Bronze Medal Award for Business, the 2023 Dan Poynter’s Global Ebook Awards Gold Award for Communications, and the 2023 PenCraft Award for Literary Excellence.
Clear communication requires the courage to confront the psychological blocks that hold you back. Learn how to become a more fearless and peerless communicator.
Raising your game as a communicator is one of the best ways to make a difference in the world, but it takes courage to open up to others and invite others to open up to you. As a lifelong communication coach, Michelle Gladieux has discovered four sneaky obstacles that can keep you from becoming the best communicator you can be:
- Hiding—Fear of exposing your supposed weaknesses
- Defining—Putting too much stock into assumptions and being quick to judge
- Rationalizing—Using “being realistic” to shield yourself from taking chances, engaging in conflict, or doing other scary but potentially rewarding actions
- Settling—Stopping at “good enough” instead of aiming for something better in your interactions
Courageous communication requires self-knowledge, practice, and a desire to grow. It is a full-body, full-mind, and full-heart effort. This book is like having a caring, expert coach along with you for the journey.