The series follows the entertaining life of Atlanta-based outspoken and overprotective, but very loving husband and father, Todd Chrisley and his colorful clan, including his lovely wife Julie and their charming, yet scheming expansive brood. The third season promises even more over-the-top Todd Chrisley moments, as he and wife Julie continue to raise their two teenagers who are both getting ready to head off to college, an eight-year old son and two-year-old granddaughter, all under one roof.
On the heels of the success of the buzzy breakout hit reality series, USA Network is also developing a late night talk show pilot hosted by Todd Chrisley, and a spinoff pilot around the Chrisley family.
Chrisley is a television personality, philanthropist and successful entrepreneur. Todd and his wife of nearly 20 years, Julie, are parents of five children and two grandchildren and live in the suburbs of Atlanta. Todd Chrisley isn’t your typical father. Brash and outspoken with a razor sharp southern wit and remarkable ability to dish insults, he keeps the family in line through his tough and at times brutally honest form of parenting, but always with lots of love.
Julie is the daughter of a Baptist minister and is Todd’s business partner, best friend and a “super mom” who does it all. A strong minded woman, she’s not afraid to say what she thinks– whether Todd and the kids like it, or not. Throughout her nearly 20-year marriage to Todd, Julie has always been the “calm one” and is able to handle Todd’s fiery personality, putting him in line whenever he needs it.