Aging Sucks: Unless You Cross the Bridge by Dr. Barbara G. Melamed

Dr. Barbara Melamed is 80 years of age and marveling at getting smarter and happier every day. Her book Aging Sucks…Unless you Cross the BRIDGE is her fourth major book. It invites you the readers to do self-care for yourselves, your parents, other relatives and tells their children how to preserve their Legacies.
 Dr. Barbara Melamed is a Clinical Affiliate Professor at the University of Hawaii’s Department of Psychology. She has also held professional positions at numerous universities including, University of Florida, Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry and Tubingen University. She served as Dean at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Numerous international conferences have extended invitations to her. She is also on the Editorial Boards of journals including the Australasia Medical Journal, The International Journal of Legal and Ethical Issues and the International Journal of Human Resilience and Mental Health.
A noted therapist and researcher with decades of experience in clinical and health psychology.  In the area of Again, Dr. Melamed was awarded the Biogenesis Health Cluster Award for her research and studies in aging by the Gerontological Society of America.
Dr. Melamed is the author of POW: Peace Over War: Using Mediation and Conflict Resolution to Reconcile International and Local Disputes.  A compelling exploration of how mediation can address and resolve some of the world’s most challenging conflicts based on her own activism in the Gandhi International Institute of Peace and Mediators Beyond Borders.

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