Category: Guests

REJUVENATE & SHINE:10 Simple, Surefire Tips for Invigorating Body, Mind & Spirit (Using an Acronym for the Word REJUVENATE for Whole-Body Wellness) with Susan Smith Jones, PhD

For a woman with three of America’s most ordinary names, Dr. Susan Smith Jones has certainly made extraordinary contributions in the fields of holistic health, anti-aging, optimum nutrition and balanced living. For starters, she taught students, staff and faculty at UCLA how to be healthy and fit for 30 years! Susan travels internationally as a […]

The Technology-Ready School Administrator: Standard-Based Performance by Clinton Born

The Technology-Ready School Administrator: Standards-based Performance (3rd ed.) is an excellent resource for school leaders and teachers in developing and advanced countries who desire to improve their school’s performance in technology-related tasks. Aligned with the International Society for Technology in Education’s Technology (ISTE) Standards for Education Leaders, the book’s practical content addresses:     technology […]

Take Charge of Your Career: A guide to organizing and conducting a successful job search in these competitive times by Mary Ann Chimera

Even among experienced and skilled professionals, there’s a lot of anxiety-inducing mystery when it comes to job searching. What are the best things to start with, and in what order?  What’s missing in your resume?  What about a cover letter?  What exactly do present employers want? But more importantly, how do you know that they’re […]

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