Many people gain between 5-12 pounds from Thanksgiving through the first week of January. How would you like to go through the holidays this year without gaining a pound? That’s right! Does that sound impossible to you? You can do it with the help of our guest , Susan Smith Jones. A world-renowned motivational speaker, […]
Tag: Dr. Susan Smith Jones
How to avoid gaining weight over the holidays with Dr. Susan Smith Jones
Many people gain between 5-12 pounds from Thanksgiving through the first week of January. How would you like to go through the holidays this year without gaining a pound? That’s right! Does that sound impossible to you? You can do it with the help of our guest , Susan Smith Jones. A world-renowned motivational speaker, […]
Simple, surefire natural beauty secret for all ages. Tips for aging gracefully
For a woman with three of America’s most ordinary names, Dr. Susan Smith Jones has certainly made extraordinary contributions in the fields of holistic health, anti-aging, optimum nutrition and balanced living. For starters, she taught students, staff and faculty at UCLA how to be healthy and fit for 30 years! Susan is the founder and […]
How to protect yourself during the fall allergy season with Susan Smith Jones
Protect yourself during the fall allergy season with helpful hints from holistic health expert, best-selling author and This Week in America Guest Dr. Susan Smith Jones Seasonal allergies, including fall allergies, affect more than 35 million Americans and cost more than $7 billion in lost productivity. Weeds and molds are the biggest culprits for those […]
10 simple, surefire tips for invigorating body, mind and spirit with Susan Smith Jones
Susan’s books, website, and the popular digital seminar series entitled Renew Your Life — available only through her website — are like having a “holistic health app” for anything related to superfoods, optimal nutrition, weight loss, anti-aging, rejuvenation, natural remedies and balanced living. For a woman with three of America’s most ordinary names, Dr. Susan […]