Take Charge of Your Career: A guide to organizing and conducting a successful job search in these competitive times by Mary Ann Chimera

Even among experienced and skilled professionals, there’s a lot of anxiety-inducing mystery when it comes to job searching.

What are the best things to start with, and in what order?  What’s missing in your resume?  What about a cover letter?  What exactly do present employers want?

But more importantly, how do you know that they’re the kind of supportive employer you really need for healthy career growth?

The book includes HIGH-IMPACT TIPS to help you make a positive impression on employers. Along with that, it is also filled with HIGH-IMPACT Resume examples that best showcase your assets and draw intense employee interest. Put them together, and you can land an assuring end to your stressful job search in no time!

Mary Ann holds a degree in physics from Ohio State and has done graduate study in engineering analysis. She’s also worked as an engineering analyst for two Fortune 500 companies in the aerospace industry. In later years, she earned a certificate in personnel management from New York University and extensive clinical training in psychotherapy.

When it comes to writing effective resumes, she draws from a highly diversified career which included preparing resumes for hundreds of clients. Along with that, she’s helped create incredible attention-grabbing cover letters for various types of clients and put them one step closer to landing a well-matched job.

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