FASCIA: Keeping Your Connective Tissue Healthy & Flexible with Susan Smith Jones, PhD

For a woman with three of America’s most ordinary names, Susan Smith Jones, PhD, has certainly made extraordinary contributions in the fields of holistic health, anti-aging, optimum nutrition and balanced living. For starters, she taught students, staff and faculty at UCLA how to be healthy and fit for 30 years! Susan is a frequent radio/podcast and TV talk show guest and motivational speaker; she’s also the author of many books, including UPLIFTED and the new companion book A HUG IN A MUG: Revitalize with Fruits, Veggies, Juices, Soups, Spices, Teas & Healthy Living Extras. Refer to her website to find out how to get personally autographed copies of these two books.
 As I read about in our guest’s new book — A HUG IN A MUG, and on her website, the fascia is the thin sheath of fibrous tissue enclosing every muscle and organ; it’s an intricate web that connects every part of our entire body. This continuous network throughout your body is crucial for health, pain perception, and movement. Today, holistic health and lifestyle expert, Susan Smith Jones, PhD, will cover the ABCs of fascia and how to keep your fascia healthy and flexible. Get out your pen and paper because you’ll want to take notes during our eye-opening discussion. Welcome Susan!

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