Category: Sticky

No Time to Waste: Microbehaviors: Leveraging the Little Things to Become a Better Leader by Artell Smith

Each day we go through our routines, whether at work or home, exhibiting micro-bursts of behavior. Often we give little or no thought to these micro-bursts. We answer questions, request help, provide direction, offer counsel & advice, talk to family, friends & colleagues, encounter strangers, and so on. Some of our micro-behaviors hit exactly as […]

Giving Is Not Just For The Very Rich: A How-to Guide for Giving and Philanthropy by Dr. Susan Aurelia Gitelson

A valuable resource for you, Giving Is Not Just For The Very Rich is an inspiring, easy-to-use guide which gives you numerous creative ideas on how to reap the many benefits of giving. It’s all about your feeling connected to worthwhile programs, achieving a sense of purpose, and deriving immeasurable pleasure from helping others.  Dr. […]

From Stressed to Blessed: 5 Simple Steps to Learn Meditation and Change Your Life by Cynthia Chase MA, CHTHA

Are you stressed? There are many reasons why we feel stress in life. Family problems, ill health, financial problems, addiction, divorce, the death of someone close, a stressful job or loss of a job, problems in school, or problems with relationships are just a few examples. When you begin a practice in meditation “in 5 […]

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