Set in the near future, Syfy’s hit series Defiance introduced an exotically transformed planet Earth, permanently altered following the sudden arrival of seven unique alien races. In the town of Defiance (a.k.a. the ruins of St. Louis, MO), a newly formed civilization of humans and aliens had no choice but to co-exist peacefully. Now in its third season, the conflict between humans and aliens continues to build with the surprise arrival of the mysterious and nearly extinct Omec, an alien race of warriors.
Originally from London, Jaime Murray is an accomplished television and film actress best known for her role of Lila Tourney — Dexter’s antagonist and love interest — on the critically acclaimed Showtime series, “Dexter.” She starred in the feature film “Fright Night 2: New Blood” and appeared in films such as “The Deaths of Ian Stone,” “The Rapture,” “Devil’s Playground,” and “Possessions.” In Defiance, she stars as Stahma Tarr, one of the most powerful figures in Defiance.