Ken Dunn and Reader’s Legacy

14 years in investigative and tactical policing allowed Ken to hone deep organizational and leadership skills, and sparked an entrepreneurial fire inside of him. Throughout his policing career, he also helped to start businesses. The success of a mortgage origination firm that Ken started in 2001, prompted his exit from Law Enforcement.

An incredible hunger to learn and teach others has led Ken successfully through 5 different professional careers in the past 25 years. He is currently an international speaker, author and sales trainer, as well as CEO and Founder of Readers Legacy Inc., a social media community for readers and author support platform.

The mission of Reader’s Legacy is to change the way people write, read and experience books. Ken is an avid reader, in addition to being an author and publisher, and believes that more people should be made aware of the wide- spread issue of child illiteracy. In 2016, Ken will put into action his plan to help end this problem, by running a grant program in which funds in excess of $200,000 will be given to companies with mandates that are, in some way, aimed at eliminating illiteracy in children. He has also made it possible for the users of Reader’s Legacy to join the fight and donate books to children near them, with any book purchase made through using the site currency called LitCoins.

Ken has published 5 books in the writing and selling space. His newest release, “The Greatest Prospector in the World”, is a parable used to impart the sales training lessons he has learned over his lifetime. Earning tens of millions of dollars in revenue, and previously selling over 200,000 copies of his books internationally, Ken Dunn is a leader and example of true success in sales for the modern world.

Ken is also a sought-after business management consultant and helps principals and C-level executives with business management, community-building and revenue growth. Today, Ken regularly speaks to groups in the direct sales, mortgage, insurance, banking and publishing industries. Ken lives in Toronto, Canada, with his wife Julie, and children Matthew and Laura.

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