REJUVENATE & SHINE:10 Simple, Surefire Tips for Invigorating Body, Mind & Spirit (Using an Acronym for the Word REJUVENATE for Whole-Body Wellness) with Susan Smith Jones, PhD

For a woman with three of America’s most ordinary names, Dr. Susan Smith Jones has certainly made extraordinary contributions in the fields of holistic health, anti-aging, optimum nutrition and balanced living. For starters, she taught students, staff and faculty at UCLA how to be healthy and fit for 30 years! Susan travels internationally as a frequent radio and TV talk show guest and motivational speaker; she’s also the author of many books, including UPLIFTED and the new companion book A HUG IN A MUG: Revitalize with Fruits, Veggies, Juices, Soups, Spices, Teas & Healthy Living Extras. Refer to her website to find out how to get personally autographed copies of her books.
Whether it’s a new year, new season or new month, anytime is a good time to make better choices about improving your health. One of the best ways to bring wellness into your world is to decrease the level of stress you experience on a daily basis and rejuvenate your body and life. Sounds like a daunting task, but really it’s very simple with these 10 surefire tips Dr. Susan will discuss with us today. With her practical suggestions, you can rejuvenate your body from head to toe, inside out. In other words, whole-body, high-level wellness is now within your reach. Get out your pen and paper because you’ll want to take lots of note during our discussion. Are you ready to REJUVENATE?

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