Susan Smith Jones has made extraordinary contributions in the fields of high-level wellness, optimum nutrition and balanced living for adults and children. Among her many degrees from UCLA, one of them is a Teaching Credential for Preschool through 12th grade, and she has worked with children, parents and families worldwide for decades. A frequent radio/TV talk […]
Tag: Dr. Susan Smith Jones
Natural Support for Heart, Circulation & Blood Pressure with Susan Smith Jones, PhD
Your circulatory system, also known as your cardiovascular system, is made up of your heart and blood vessels. It works to transport oxygen and other nutrients to all the organs and tissues in your body. It also works to remove carbon dioxide and other waste products. Having a healthy circulatory system is vital to your […]
Claim Your Victory Over a Stressful Lifestyle TODAY
Who is not under stress these days? From concerns about Covid-variants, to inflation, to health and healing issues, to lacking faith and confidence or feeling depressed, to making ends meet each month, to looking older and flabbier by the week, to squabbles with family or employees/bosses — learning to manage stress is more important than […]
You’ve heard the uplifting stories: Passersby dropping scads of cash into charity collection buckets or anonymous donors paying off hospital bills for strangers. People helping victims during storms and natural disasters. Or the simple act of someone bringing food to elderly, sick neighbor or taking care of their garden while they recuperate. These acts of […]
Get the Most Out of the Holidays: Simple Tips to Survive the Holidays (& Year-Round) without Weight Gain, Fatigue or Depression with Susan Smith Jones, PhD
Many people gain between 5-12 pounds from Thanksgiving through the first week of January. How would you like to go through the holidays this year without gaining a pound? That’s right! Does that sound impossible to you? You can do it with the help of our guest today, Susan Smith Jones. A world-renowned motivational speaker, […]