From the moment your baby is born, you want to provide him or her with the love and support needed to reach full potential. Experts agree that play can be an important component in helping even very young children thrive and learn essential life skills.
The first three years of a child’s life are crucial to his or her development. Every waking moment is a learning opportunity and depending on a child’s age, different methods and experiences vary in their effectiveness for supporting learning. Dr. Roberts says “One of the fundamental things I tell parents is to interact with your child, talk with your child, play with your child.”
Roberts helped create the Learn & Grow program, a line of play and entertainment products that dovetail with and promote children’s natural developmental progression. Unlike other toddler products that are age-graded for safety-only, The Baby Genius “Learn & Grow” Program corresponds to growth stages that inspire a child’s natural ability.
Dr. Donald Roberts is a Stanford University Professor Emeritus. He has written extensively on how children and adolescents use and respond to media and the effects of mass communication. He helped design a parental advisory system to label violence, sex/nudity, and language for the computer software industry which has been adapted for use on the World Wide Web and has consulted with numerous companies involved in producing children’s media, including ABC-Disney.