You Have Time to Die and Go Broke by Linda Salerno-Forand

The healthcare system has turned into a giant labyrinth, which is extremely difficult to navigate. The thought of dealing with a serious or terminal illness is terrifying enough without having to go against the fortress of hospital administrators, health insurance companies and endless waits in doctor’s queues just trying to get the care you need. But you can be empowered in learning how to deal with the complex healthcare system getting the best care possible without breaking the bank.

Linda Salerno-Forand lives Massachusetts with her dog Rocky and is caregiver to her elderly mother. She was a caregiver to her mother-in-law, father-in-law, and husband. Her mother-in-in law and father-in-law died of dementia. Her husband died of Pulmonary Fibrosis during covid . This inspired her to write this book to help people get the best care they can dealing with a broken healthcare system.

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