Many people gain between 5-12 pounds from Thanksgiving through the first week of January. How would you like to go through the holidays this year without gaining a pound? That’s right! Does that sound impossible to you? You can do it with the help of our guest today, Susan Smith Jones. A world-renowned motivational speaker, […]
Tag: Dr. Susan Smith Jones
5 Benefits of Eating Vegetables, 4 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism & Why We Should Favor Organic with Susan Smith Jones, PhD
Raising Children to be Vibrantly Healthy 12 Simple Tips that WORK with Susan Smith Jones, MS, PhD
Raising healthy children can be a very daunting and challenging task in this day and age with so many activities, poor food choices, sitting too long in front of the computer or smart phone, peer pressure from friends and much more. Our guest today, Dr. Susan Smith Jones, has worked with parents and children for […]
DETOX & REJUVENATE with Susan Smith Jones, PhD
Leading holistic health educator and author Susan Smith Jones, PhD, reveals her favorite methods to detoxify and rejuvenate the body – and WHY it’s so necessary. For over 35 years, Dr. Susan has been teaching people worldwide about the importance of year-round detoxification to keep the body healed, healthy, youthful and energetic. She even custom-designs […]
Foods to Support Brain Health with Dr. Susan Smith Jones
While we might not be able to be in control of all aspects concerning our personal brain health since genetics are involved, we can certainly choose which foods to eat and which to eschew to help maximize our brains’ abilities well into old age.As Dr. Susan writes in her new book Wired for High Level Wellness, […]