The book explores the soul and how it projects to others. Two examples, Steve Jobs and Jesus Christ, are examined for what each did as an “extreme entrepreneur,” to provide a position that has changed and will continue to change humankind. In his words, Steve Jobs provided technology that provide a “bicycle for the mind,” […]
You’re Special: Daily Reflections from God’s Children with “Exceptionalities” by Katherine Thomas Leurck
Have you ever seen a wheelchair bound person with a smile bigger than you’ve smiled all week? Or a child with Down syndrome who is in a perpetual good mood, and you wonder, What’s the magic? Those moments are what make this daily devotional quite different. It is inspired by the words and actions of […]
Eye to Eye: Memoirs of a Mayo Clinic-Trained Eye Surgeon by John J. Jarstad, MD
Eye to Eye: Memories of a Mayo-Trained LDS Medical Missionary is the story of Dr. John S. Jarstad. From humble beginnings as a commercial fisherman to his becoming an international expert in eye surgery and an inventor, this book tells the remarkable stories of doctors and patients whose lives were changed by faith, prayers, persistence, […]
Show the Value of What You Do: Measuring and Achieving Success in Any Endeavor by Patricia Pulliam Phillips and Jack J. Phillips
Prove your effectiveness to anyone—and achieve professional success—by adopting the same ROI methods and metrics that leading companies use. In an era of evidence-based inquiry, people need to be able to demonstrate the value of their projects credibly. But how do you do that when there isn’t an obvious measure connected to the project, like […]
RAISING HEALTHY CHILDREN & THE YOUNG-AT-HEART: 12 Simple Tips that Work! with Susan Smith Jones, PhD
Raising healthy children can be a very daunting and challenging task in this day and age with so many activities, poor food choices, sitting too long in front of the computer or smart phone, peer pressure from friends and much more. Our guest today, holistic health and lifestyle expert, Susan Smith Jones, PhD, has worked […]